Friday, September 29, 2006

Weekly Comics to Come - October 4, 2006:
It's not a *great* week in terms of the amount of stuff I read, and I'm a little annoyed at the amount of indy stuff I've ordered that's running late (where the hell is Tim Truman's Scout TP?) and that Absolute New Frontier is shipping late as well... but there are a lot of books this week that I've either read and loved or are highly anticipating. Criminal alone makes this one of the best weeks of the year.

Criminal #1 (I don't think there's anything more I can say about how good this book is. Podcast HERE, full review HERE.)
Doctor Strange Oath #1 (Always good to see somebody trying their hand at Dr. Strange, even better when it's Brian K. Vaughan and Javier Pulido. Expecting great things.)
Irredeemable Ant-Man #1 (Kirkman's writing has been hit or miss with me, but Phil Hester's art looks great, the premise sounds like fun and the preview pages were solid)
Other Side #1 (New writer offers up a script that the pros have been praising to high heaven, and it drew in Cameron Stewart on art, and his work looks amazing on the book. Looking forward to this Vietnam tale)
Y The Last Man #50 (The reveal at last... what killed all the men?)

Agents Of Atlas #3 (Second issue was even better than the first. Parker has an interesting modern conspiracy tale using older characters, and Kirk's art looks fantastic)
Beyond #4 (One of my favorite superhero series running right now, as Dwayne McDuffie shows everybody else how it's done)
Elephantmen #3 (Beautifully illustrated science-fiction that I liked before, but like even more in mostly monthly doses instead of annual ones)
Fear Agent #8 (I'd really like a stronger story arc structure, but there's a lot to like here)
Mystery In Space #2 (First issue wasn't half bad, I'll give the second a read)
PVP #28 (More Scott Kurtz humor)
Savage Brothers #2 (Solid, funny first issue featured a new twist on the zombie genre)

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