Sunday, July 16, 2006

Technical Difficulties:
Well, as of sometime between 12:30 last night and 4:00 this afternoon, The Fourth Rail crashed. I called our tech support, and they said that the site is inexplicably pointing somewhere else. I don't know if this is a hack, or an administrative mistake, or what, but at any rate, I'm currently not receiving any of my email. I'm not sure if it's bouncing (I don't think so), but if you're trying to reach me, won't work right now.

Which has led me to finally add a gmail account, something I should have done long ago. I'll still be using (providing it comes back online, which it should... I'm supposed to call back tomorrow because it can't be fixed until customer service is in), but my new primary email will be my gmail one. It's in the email link on the sidebar of this site, and I'll be updating it elsewhere as well.

Update: The Fourth Rail, and email servers, are back up after a call to customer service earlier today. I'm reading mail sent to my Fourth Rail and Gmail accounts.

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