Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Little De-Bunking

There have been plenty of folks who have called Obama an empty suit, a charismatic speaker with no policies. The answer to that can be found on his website, where he outlines the issues and his plans for some of them. If you want more, read his book, The Audacity of Hope, which is as good as his speeches, but because of its nature, offers a lot more policy and procedural specifics as well.

Then there's Dave Sim. Semi-famous for creating the 300-issue self-published opus Cerebus, more famous for fucking up that opus with increasingly paranoid rants about the feminist-homosexual axis. Here's a well-researched essay by Smith Michaels over at Blurred Productions explaining why Sim is full of it.

1 comment:

Roy said...

Thanks for the link, Randy.

Mostly I think the people who say that Obama has no policies are just lazy. In this internets age it is easily for a politician to have a million+ policies, they can just stick them all on the website.